Friday, 9 October 2015

Multiple controllers in Joomla MVC component

Joomla basic tutorial and understand that the main controller is located under components/com_component/controller.php & other file is components/com_helloworld/helloworld.php which is pointing to controller.php file to execute the request. You create new controller folder and put all controllers in that folder

The main controller is typically used to do what you mention in your comment (render a view based on the view parameter, usually specified in the URL). In controller.php, the function that does this is called display(). So the following URL:

Will result in calling the display() function in controller.php and loads the view test in /views/test.

Subcontrollers, in the controllers folder, are generally used for CRUD tasks, but can be called easily by using a task URL parameter. For example:

Will result in calling the process() function in /controllers/test.php - notice the task parameter is <controllerName>.<functionName>

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